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ACTFL's Guiding Principles for Language Learning: What do they look like for K-5?

Wednesday, September 6 at 7:00pm EST

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ACTFL’s Guiding Principles give us a road map for using high-leverage teaching practices to support language acquisition—so, how do these practices manifest with elementary age students? In this free webinar, participants are invited to take a peek at a day in the life, routines and activities of students in a proficiency-focused elementary Spanish program, and how it leverages the Guiding Principles like target language use, interpersonal communication, authentic resources and feedback.

In this webinar, participants will:
• Identify and problem solve challenges around implementing guiding principles in their classrooms, appropriate to the ages they teach.
• Pinpoint one core practice on which they plan to focus and grow this school year.

Learn about the presenter and moderator

Learn about the moderator

Parthena Draggett - square.jpg
About Parthena Draggett:

Parthena Draggett is a lifelong educator with 39+ years’ experience teaching Spanish and French. Most recently, she chaired world languages and cultures at the Community School of Naples, Florida. Prior to recruitment to Florida, she taught in Ohio, the last 24 years at Jackson High School, where she was also department chair. Very involved in the AATSP, Parthena was Treasurer of the Ohio Chapter, regional director of the National Spanish Exam, and was awarded the Sociedad Honoraria State John Temple State Director of Year. During that time, she was honored as “Ohio’s World Language Teacher of the Year” for 2015. Currently, Parthena serves as President of the AATSP and is a member of ACTFL, FFLA, and OFLA. She presents and consults regionally, nationally and internationally at conferences and for school districts.

Learn about the presenter

Valerie Shull
About Valerie Shull:

Valerie’s love for languages began in school and was fed by great teachers, something that motivates her work with students and educators today. As an experienced Spanish teacher,, she’s worked with learners aged 6 to 14 for more than 25 years at Rogers Park Montessori School in Chicago. Valerie is passionate about guiding her students on their proficiency path, improving her own practice, and supporting teachers in their professional journey. Over the years, she’s enjoyed working with teachers at state, regional and national conferences on topics of proficiency based curriculum and instructional strategies for early language learners. Valerie is the Illinois representative for NNELL and a National Language and Literacy Consultant with Vista.